Building D-ISAM in Xcode from the command line

Makefile for D-ISAM dynamic library in Xcode shows the details needed to build D-ISAM as an Xcode dynamic library, suitable for direct inclusion in any Xcode project.

To build a single arch library for your current development target only

make clean new lib

You can also build D-ISAM for devices other than the default by setting the compiler and sdk-path explicitly

BIN=$(xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator --find clang)
SDK=$(xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator --show-sdk-path)

To build a multi arch library for the selected device

make CC="$BIN -isysroot $SDK -miphoneos-version-min=6.0 -arch i386 -arch x86_64" clean new lib

Static D-ISAM libararies (.a) and regular shared libraries (.so) – as generated by the makefiles distributed with D-ISAM – are also compatible with Xcode, as needed or preferred.

Building a D-ISAM framework for Xcode shows how to build a framework from the command line.

Building D-ISAM in the Xcode IDE covers D-ISAM installation from the Integrated Development Environment.

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