
check the varlen storage of an ISAM file


int isCheckVarlen( IsFile * isfd, struct isVarStat * stats );

isfd isam file descriptor
stats variable length statistics structure, defined in ischeck.h, or NULL to ignore same.


ISTRUE, or ISFALSE, in which case the error code is returned by isErrno, or found in isfd->iserrno


this routine checks the variable length storage system for errors, and will return a value with the following bits set in accordance with it's findings:

IC_VLMISFILE    12      node misfiled in hash table
IC_VLHASHLINK   13      mangled link in hash list
IC_VLMISSING    14      nodes missing or unaccounted
IC_VLBADDATA    15      data length mismatch

it will also optionally load the following fields in stats:

hashcount       number of nodes held in hashtable
hashspace       total bytes free space in same
fullcount       number of nodes not in hashtable
fullspace       total (unusable) space in same
filecount       total number of storage nodes in use
filespace       total free space for the file


isCheckData isCheckIndex